Saturday, December 22, 2007

Memories of Sweetie

My sister Sweetie went to the Rainbow Bridge today. Ma is very sad. She is telling me many of the fond memories of Sweetie.

*Sweetie was a stray that was the ugliest thing Ma had ever seen. It took Ma two days to catch her, but she prevailed in the end. Sweetie developed into a very cute Shar Pei/Fox hound mix.

*Sweetie will probably always be the sweetest dog that Ma ever will know.

*Sweetie wasn't just happy giving a simple kiss. She had to get her tongue in your mouth.

*Sweetie only liked REALLY hot weather. In her next life she will live in Arizona.

*Sweetie did not let any of the other animals boss her around, except for kittens.

*Sweetie was a master escape artist.

*Sweetie loved to go swimming.

*Sweetie loved to run in an open field. She ran like a gazelle.

*Sweetie communicated through series of grunts and whines. Oftentimes, she sounded like a pig.

*Sweetie once tore up the linoleum flooring and jumped out a window because she had huge separation anxiety.

Sweetie will be REALLY missed. In memorium Ma is going to have a paper mache clock made in her likeness.


Lorenza said...

I am so sorry to hear about Sweetie. I did not have the chance to meet her but sure she was great! It makes me so sad to know that she was abused but thankfully she found your lovely family to giver her all the good care, attention and love she deserved.
We are praying for her and all your family.

Amber-Mae said...

I'm very sorry to hear about your sista, Sweety. Poor girl was abused with cigarette burns and all but she sure was lucky to have found you guys. I'm sure your hoomans gave her the best care & love. What more can she ask for? She sure loves you all very dearly & misses you guys too! You all will get to meet her one day. RIP Sweety.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Headgirl said...

Have just read about Sweetie, & her sadly passing over @ Katie, Zorra & Sam's blog. I'm so sorry!

Pats & pets

Duke said...

We're so sorry to hear about Sweetie! You are all in our thoughts and prayers!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lacy said...

woofies all!!! me soooo sorrwy to hear bout Sweetie....mayb she run with the wind, and feel no thoughts and prayers r with u....jus no her remainin days were filled wiff love...

b safe,

Peanut said...

We are sorry to hear about sweetie. She may not have had a great start to life but she was loved and cared for once she came to be with you.

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

We came over to wish you a Merry Christmas and we're so sadden to read the news about Sweetie. She was blessed to have found love before she went to God's Garden.

She became a Christmas Angel

Love Licks and healing hugs xo

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Jus checkin in on yous to see how yous are doing.

Love Licks

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Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Hello Friendzees: jus cking in on ya'll to see how your doing. Give you healing love licks. Pictures help, maybe you could make a photo memorial to celebrate of Seetie's life fur all of us to share with you.

Love Licks and waggin TX tails

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Friendzees ~ we still check in on ya'll will you ever return or did you open a new bloggie. if so we would like to visit yous

hugs & kisses

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